The Jackbox Party Pack

If you've been to a party in the past five years, you've likely played a Jackbox game at least once. With eight Party Packs available on every major platform, they offer a ton of accessible fun. However, if you have somehow managed to avoid this whole series thus far, you have a little catching up to do. Luckily, while some of the later games have a steeper learning curve, but the first Party Pack is very approachable, and still a lot of fun!

Jackbox Party Pack 1 is home to five games that I categorize into three groups. You Don't Know Jack 2015 and Lie Swatter are pure (albeit comedic) trivia, Drawful and Fibbage XL are creativity-focused competitions, and Word Spud is a fairly straightforward word game. Lie Swatter and Word Spud were never very interesting for me, but the other three can be absolute blasts when playing them with a good group of friends or family. The Party Pack works by selecting one of the five included games and launching a lobby via the device that has the pack. Then each of the players connects to the lobby via a browser (usually on their phone), where they will get the game prompts and be able to compete. That way, you and your two-to-ninety-nine other friends can play while keeping your answers secret, and no controller-passing is necessary. It even works over a screen-sharing video call!

The Jackbox games all do a great job of succinctly explaining how to play, so you rarely ever need to coach new players, and you can easily dive into any of the games without any previous experience. A round in any given game only lasts around ten minutes, so there's plenty of room to bounce between the different options, or, if you're like me, exclusively play Drawful for a solid hour. The games have enough variety that you can probably find something for any group, but that also means it takes a special set of personalities to enjoy everything this first Party Pack has to offer.

While this first entry often gets criticized for its relative simplicity and lower level of wackiness compared to its peers, that's what makes it a great starting point for new players. There's a ton of fun to be had here, whether you're creative, clever, knowledgeable, or none of the above. The later packs offer a daunting amount of content, but starting small can open up that whole world of fun! Even if you don't choose to invest in the rest of the franchise, you're sure to have plenty of laughs with the first Jackbox Party Pack.  

The game is available for Steam here (as of 12/22/21):
The game is available for Switch here (as of 12/22/21):
The game is available for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S here (as of 12/22/21):
The game is available for PS4 and PS5 here (as of 12/22/21):

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