
Showing posts with the label Battle Royale


After Mario 's public execution on March 31st, 2021, someone had to fill the void he left behind. With Super Mario Bros. 35 rendered unplayable, Pac-Man stepped in with his own Switch -exclusive battle royale title to save the day. While the plumber's absence is still painful, having another competetive multiplayer title based on a legendary game helped to soften the blow. As the third free battle royale game for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers, PAC-MAN 99 also brings back a little optimism to the future potential of the service. Like the previous two NSO battle royale games, the familiar gameplay of the original is left in-tact here, with just a few additions to accommodate the competetive nature of the title. The same targeting system is brought back from the other two games, letting you decide who to "attack" in the hopes of being the last player standing. In this game, attacking is done by eating ghosts, and every ghost you eat after consuming a power pel

Super Mario Bros. 35

  In the same vein as the genre-bending battle royale, Tetris 99 , Super Mario Bros. 35 takes an already well-established title and turns it into an exciting competitive multiplayer experience. Other than the Mario theme, this title mirrors Tetris 99 in almost every other way. Your opponents are all visible on either side of the screen, your successes in-game effectively sabotage whoever you're targeting, and the last player standing is the winner. Plus, the game is entirely free for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers! However, there is one glaring difference. While Tetris 99 was allowed to thrive and grow over the years, adding DLC with new game modes and running events with special rewards, Mario 35 is scheduled to be shut down before that can happen. Because this title was created to celebrate Mario's 35th anniversary, Nintendo thinks it's wise to make it unplayable after the festivities end (just six months after the game's release). However, in the meantime,

Tetris 99

The Tetris series has more than it's fair share of spinoffs, so it's never much of a surprise when a new one is announced. However, I don't think anyone saw this one coming. Tetris 99 released while the battle royale genre, led by the likes of PUBG and Fortnite , was absolutely exploding. Every online shooter was trying to capitalize on the last-man-standing action. Then Nintendo blindsided the world by announcing this gem as a free title exclusive to subscribers to their online service. Competitive Tetris games have been around for awhile, so the basic concept wasn't profound, but the fact that Tetris was diving into the battle royale scene was enough to draw plenty of attention. I picked up Tetris 99 right away, because I like Tetris , I was intrigued by the concept, and the price was right. After trying to get my Tetris fix from the Puyo Puyo Tetri s demo, this was a welcome change. It complemented my style of playing in short, intense bursts, and the multipl


Save for Team Fortress 2 , online shooters have never really been my thing. However, Fortnite has held its ground as such a huge cultural phenomenon... and it's free. I had to give it a try at least once, and for a while, I was actually pretty interested. I'm not proud to say it, but I did buy the battle pass once, and I had some fun trying to complete the challenges it came with. However, the only time I was really enjoying myself with the game was when I would play online with my friends. Fortnite is a battle royale shooter with destructible environments, which allows players to harvest materials and build their own protective structures. This adds a nice layer of depth not present in other battle royale games, but I found it kind of difficult to learn, especially when I'm trying to dodge the bullets of 99 other people. Thus, most of my time was spent trying to sneak up on my opponents or trying to snipe them from a safe distance. Although I'm not great at the g