
Showing posts with the label Creatures

Pokémon Trading Card Game

The Pokémon Trading Card Game has evolved a lot since its initial launch, and with over 10,000 unique cards released to date, people have been able to do a lot in the competitive scene over the years. As exciting as that is for the modern player, it also means the original competitive TCG experience has largely been lost to time. Luckily, the popularity of Pokémon on the Gameboy prompted a videogame translation of the classic rules and earliest cards, giving curious folks like me the chance to play the game as it was originally designed without the hassle of rounding up a bunch of 20-year-old cards and finding someone just as crazy to play against. While the card game rules are just those of the TCG as they were in 1998, the developers added some context to your dueling in order to make the experience feel more like a videogame than a simulator. Right from the start, you'll probably notice that the goal was to imitate the mainline games, and despite the smaller scale, it does a