
Showing posts with the label Warner Bros.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

When The Skywalker Saga was announced, I was excited, but I was a little wary of the possibility of going back through the same levels I've played dozens of times already in The Complete Saga and the original two LEGO Star Wars games. As soon as screenshots and footage started appearing, all of those fears were gone. I still didn't know much about it at the time, but it certainly wasn't just an expanded version of the game I've played to death. Now that I've played it, I can gladly say that the spirit of those older classics remains but the play-experience carves out its own identity, creating something familiar, yet refreshingly independent. The Skywalker Saga marks a major evolution in the Traveller's Tales LEGO formula. The world is still highly destructible, studs are still the main currency, and there is still an intense focus on collectibles and unlockables, but the gameplay itself has experienced a significant shift from the previous twenty-or-so mainlin

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

I guess I have a thing about playing mobile games that are on their deathbeds. I didn't pick up Harry Potter: Wizards Unite until Niantic announced that it was being shut down. It wasn't for a lack of interest though; I was definitely intrigued by the concept, and I am a fan of the Wizarding World , I just couldn't see myself balancing two location-based games at a time, and I still play Pokémon Go regularly. Now that the game is officially in its end-of-life, there are no long-term commitments to be made, and I can enjoy it for a bit without feeling bad when I decide to move on. I also had an unexpected sense of freedom since I didn't feel like I needed to ration my resources for later use. I could use anything I wanted on a whim without worrying that there would have been better opportunities for use if I had just saved them. With this overwhelming sense of freedom, I was able to dive right into Wizards Unite . Using my Pokémon Go instincts, I just started clickin