
Showing posts with the label Uplandme Inc

Upland - Property Trading Game

I first picked up Upland at the peak of my cryptocurrency hype. It advertised itself as a blockchain-based property trading game, which seemed right up my alley at the time. However, this was far from the game I was expecting, and the manipulative money-squeezing practices made it pretty easy to drop after just a little while. Without the gross commercial tactics, this could even have been a really fun game, but as it stands, I can't see it ever reaching that point. Plus, the "blockchain" technology that they were advertising was essentially just their backend database for keeping track of who owned what, which I found to be pretty disappointing. The main goal in Upland is to fictitiously trade real-world properties in order to earn a passive income that lets you trade even more. That sounds like a lot of fun to me, but the implementation killed it right out of the gate. When you start the game, you're gifted enough in-game currency to buy a small starter property a