
Showing posts from November, 2021

Samorost 1

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I picked up Samorost , but it certainly wasn't this. My understanding was that this was some sort of peculiar point-and-click title, which was somewhat correct. However, I underestimated just how bizarre the world of Samorost could be, and I was blown away at how atmospheric and engrossing its environments were. I think I came into the game expecting the puzzles to be what held my attention the most, so I was pleasantly surprised when I enjoyed exploring the environment more. Samorost is very short but very engrossing. It started life as a Flash game created for a college project and has since been re-released outside of Flash in order to promote its two premium sequels. This updated version supports different screen resolutions and is in high definition, but it retains everything else from the original release. Considering Samorost from the perspective of it being a Flash game, its point-and-click structure makes a lot of sense, but

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box was actually my introduction to the Layton series. I beat it for the first time just recently, but I have tried to start the game at least a few times over the past decade. I was fascinated by the characters, the puzzles, the mini-games, and everything in between, but I just wasn't dedicated enough to the story or the concept when I first tried it out. However, once I had beaten Curious Village , revisiting Diabolical Box made a lot of sense. Right out of the gate, it is clear that this is a sequel done right. The foundation of the original was strong and remains relatively unaltered here, but quality-of-life changes and fixes to the repetitive nature help this game to vastly outshine its predecessor. Most of what I found charming and enjoyable about Curious Village still applies here, and practically all of my complaints have been addressed in some way. The cute story and humorous characters return, but now with a larger cast of unique p