
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Although I love the Legend of Zelda franchise, Phantom Hourglass was a game that I was skeptical about revisiting. This was one of the first titles that I ever played on the DS , and for some reason I was unable to make it past the first run of the temple of the ocean king (granted, I was very young). Ultimately, I traded my copy away for Pokémon Ranger  (a move that I do not regret) and forgot about it for a long time. My attention was brought back to the game when my interest in the franchise was being rejuvenated by Ocarina of Time 3d  and Skyward Sword , but many reviews online recommended skipping it due to the tedious repetition of the temple of the ocean king, as well as the slight annoyance that comes with almost-pure touch-controls. I heeded that warning for a while, but I am currently on a mission to beat every Zelda game, so I needed to play this one eventually. Upon finally playing it, I realized that the touch controls were far from ideal at certain times, but Nint

The Typing of the Dead: Overkill

I was very excited when I had first found this game on Steam (and at a huge discount), so I bought it almost immediately. The  The House of the Dead franchise was my favorite arcade series for a very long time, and other on-rails shooters pale in comparison, so having an adaptation on my PC seemed like a dream come true! Unfortunately, this game just doesn't live up to the legacy of it's numbered companions. The magic that the staple over-the-top story situations bring while plowing down zombies is still present, just in a much smaller capacity. However, where the previous games excelled in delightfully corny (B-movie-esque) acting and stories, Overkill tried something different with a curse every two words and ridiculously uncalled-for sexual jokes and innuendos. For some, that may be a perfect mix, but it isn't floating any of my boats. I'm a sucker for a good story, and the The House of the Dead franchise as a whole doesn't necessarily lead the charge her