
Showing posts with the label Second Maze Studios

The White Door

The White Door is clearly a  Rusty Lake game, with the series' familiar art, puzzle, and storytelling styles permeating throughout the entire experience. This fascinated me, as The White Door sidelines the series' standard first-person room-escape gameplay for a unique and unfamiliar third-person two-panel system. In the previous games, you played as the title's respective main character, directing their actions in order to progress. In this game, you still technically control the main character, but the new approach to gameplay makes it feel more like he is directing you instead. With the game simultaneously feeling like a main-series title and something completely new, it ends up being a very unique and enjoyable "spin-off" that I wasn't expecting. Stepping aside from the narrative of Dale Vandermeer that had been kept at the forefront for most of the Rusty Lake franchise, The White Door dives deep into the mind of Robert Hill, ex-boyfriend of the late L