
Showing posts with the label The Oatmeal

Kitty Letter

The folks behind Exploding Kittens have been pretty active over the past few years, releasing numerous new games alongside half a dozen expansions to their original smash hit. Kitty Letter finds itself in that growing library, but it stands out as the only video game (other than the digital version of Exploding Kittens itself). I only downloaded it because it looked like a funnier version of an addictive mobile game my wife used to play. I really had no idea what I was in for. Kitty Letter is a competitive word game with tower-defense-style mechanics. You can play against real people, but I feel like that lowers the experience to that of a simple competitive mobile game but with The Oatmeal art. It's the story mode where this game really shines. Gameplay-wise, it's really just a set of levels designed to ease you into the game's mechanics. However, the narrative is absolutey hysterical. Never before have I enjoyed eating expired, uncooked fish, or writing nasty online