
Showing posts with the label Brawler

Super Kirby Clash

Super Kirby Clash released as an upgraded version of a 3DS title that I had already played a little bit. Because of this, I already knew most of what I should expect. However, I'm a sucker for free spinoffs; there's something about little side-experiences that I enjoy, so playing this game was practically inevitable. The gameplay loop is simple - choose a fighter class, team up with three other Kirby's , fight a boss, then upgrade your gear with the rewards. This is fun at first, especially since local multiplayer is an option. Unfortunately, after a little while, I found that it got pretty dull. This is exaggerated by the fact that the gear upgrades are gated behind a premium currency, making progression slow. Super Kirby Clash partially makes up for this by adding an additional game mode not present in it's predecessor. Although it is almost identical in gameplay, it does have different bosses and challenges to mix things up. Both modes have energy bars attached th

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Before Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was released, I knew three major things - it was bringing together every fighter from the previous series entries, introducing surprising new characters from previously unrepresented franchises, and reinstituting a single-player story mode. I've enjoyed the entire  Smash Bros.  franchise so far, I play a lot of different video games, and I loved Brawl's  "Subspace Emissary" mode, so it's easy to say that I was all in for this new game. Although I wasn't in the financial state to pre-order the game, I was lucky enough to have a fantastic group of friends that decided to host a release party with two TV's and twelve controllers! That's where I think  Ultimate  truly shines. As much as I enjoyed the single-player "World of Light" game mode, I find that I reach for this game more when I am looking to have a great time with friends than when I am looking to pass the time on my own. The combination of clean

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

One of my favorite things about geek culture is how often creators come together with their characters, games, etc. and release special collaborations that combine multiple great things into one awesome product. Although Nintendo  is just one company, their willingness to combine their IP's in different games has always excited me. Because of this, I have a deep appreciation for the Smash Bros.  franchise. My introduction to the series was a $25 copy of Melee  that I found at a Gamestop near the end of the GameCube's  lifespan. As the years passed, I still appreciated the franchise, but I rarely sat down to play it anymore (with the exception of pulling out Brawl  with a group of family friends every now and then) because the gameplay felt more catered towards a short playtime, and I didn't feel like it was worthwhile to boot up a console and get everything situated if I wasn't going to play for a significant chunk of time. That's why the portable (yet powerful)