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Pokémon Unite

I had never played a MOBA before Pokémon Unite , so I wasn't sure what to expect coming into it. I had obviously heard of games like League of Legends and DOTA 2 , but I'm just not huge on the whole competitive scene, so I was never too interested in giving them a try. However, I don't think I have ever argued with a free Pokémon game, especially one for the Switch . They may not always be that great, but I love Pokémon and I love not spending money, so I will always give them a shot. Leading with that mindset, I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly this game sucked me in, though less pleasantly surprised by how quickly I felt like I had my fill. As its genre dictates, each match in Pokémon Unite sees you teaming up with a small group of other players to try and outperform an opposing team in a small arena. You do so by defeating the wild Pokémon throughout the arena to collect their energy and earn experience points. Energy can be used to earn points for your team