Super Kirby Clash

Super Kirby Clash released as an upgraded version of a 3DS title that I had already played a little bit. Because of this, I already knew most of what I should expect. However, I'm a sucker for free spinoffs; there's something about little side-experiences that I enjoy, so playing this game was practically inevitable.

The gameplay loop is simple - choose a fighter class, team up with three other Kirby's, fight a boss, then upgrade your gear with the rewards. This is fun at first, especially since local multiplayer is an option. Unfortunately, after a little while, I found that it got pretty dull. This is exaggerated by the fact that the gear upgrades are gated behind a premium currency, making progression slow. Super Kirby Clash partially makes up for this by adding an additional game mode not present in it's predecessor. Although it is almost identical in gameplay, it does have different bosses and challenges to mix things up. Both modes have energy bars attached that limit your gameplay unless you wait or cough up premium currency, but in my experience, alternating between the two does often work for long play periods.

All in all, Super Kirby Clash does offer a solid Kirby experience for the asking price. However, for those with the opportunity to get an actual full-fledged game from the series, that would easily be my recommended route. It's nice to have a Kirby game that allows for bite-sized endeavors, but I see this as more of a supplement than a main course.
The game is available for Switch here (as of 9/30/20):

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