Dadish 2

After finishing a year with Daily Dadish, I wasn't ready to quit, but I didn't particularly want to replay any levels, so I went straight into Dadish 2. I was a little surprised by how much lengthier and more difficult the levels could be than the average Daily Dadish stage, but I was happy not to be locked to just one a day anymore. In fact, I would often find myself beating three or four in a row whenever I would pick the game up. There wasn't much more to the game than in either of the ones I had played previously, but more of a good thing is still a good thing!

Dadish 2 runs on the same engine as before, and while it introduces a slew of new enemy types beyond that of the first game, I had already encountered them all multiple times in Daily Dadish. However, there was one unexpected new feature that stood out and will likely be what I most remember about the game. The first boss of the original game, Burgurgular, returns as an ally that Dadish can ride on, creating brand new auto-scroller stages. These new levels are not common, but they are a fun break from the usual formula and help give Dadish 2 a bit of its own identity.

As the third game I've played in a very iterative series, there's not much I can think to say that won't sound repetitive. I feel a little weird writing a review this short after so many years, but Dadish 2 truly is just more Dadish. I've enjoyed the whole series so far, and having already started Dadish 3 and Dadish 3D at the time of writing this review, I can pretty confidently state that my opinion won't change in that regard. Like the rest of the series, Dadish 2 is short, but it is still a lot of fun and I can easily recommend it.

The game is available for iOS here (as of 5/7/24):
The game is available for Steam here (as of 5/7/24):
The game is available for Switch here (as of 5/7/24):
The game is available for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S here (as of 5/7/24):
The game is available for PS4 and PS5 here (as of 5/7/24):

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