Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations

Trials and Tribulations is easily the best game in the original Ace Attorney trilogy. In addition to restructuring the formula established in the first two titles, this game brought back the overarching plot that Justice for All was sorely lacking. Trials and Tribulations managed not only to have its own fantastic, self-contained story but also to unify all three games with a concluding chapter that completely blew me away. It was because of that story that I got sucked into this game, and sucked in quickly.

Now you likely aren't, and shouldn't be, playing this before you have played its two predecessors, so you should be pretty familiar with the mechanics the moment you pick it up. Nothing new has been added since Justice for All, and the investigating, court battling, and psych-lock breaking feels the same as it always did. It's the story where Trials and Tribulations really shakes things up. Where the previous games were chronologically linear, this one actually bounces around a little bit, letting you witness firsthand a few major events that permanently altered the futures of some important characters. It was obviously fun just to play as a few different attorneys across these periods, but the real magic was how well the story was developed around the shifting time periods and how seamlessly what story tied in with the plot of the whole trilogy. I was surprised and impressed at how it managed to tie up loose ends from the plot of Justice for All while also closing up a mystery established early in the first game. This all made for an amazing story that I was not expecting but was absolutely overjoyed with.

With these games essentially being glorified visual novels, the story is the main focus, and with it being so darn good here, I didn't at all mind the stagnant mechanics. While the previous two games were a lot of fun, I wasn't left feeling as satisfied after playing them as I was with Trials and Tribulations, making this a worthy swan song for the original Ace Attorney trilogy in my eyes. I'm pretty excited to explore more of the series, but having concluded the original trilogy, I can safely say that they still hold up today. If you like good stories, these are definitely worth your time.
The game is available for Steam here (as of 9/6/21):
The game is available for 3DS here (as of 9/6/21):
The game is available for Switch here (as of 9/6/21):
The game is available for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S here (as of 9/6/21):
The game is available for PS4 and PS5 here (as of 9/6/21):
The game is available for iOS here (as of 9/6/21):

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