Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards

Although it was a relatively short experience, feeling a bit simple at times, The Sacred Cards somehow managed to keep me engrossed from start to finish. I admit, I had my nostalgia glasses on, as this was the first game that I ever actually bought for myself, but the fact that I played it all the way through most be some sort of testament to its quality.

The Sacred Cards creates a unique character for the player and sends them through the majority of the show's second season. You visit a variety of locales in order to duel different opponents in the hopes of securing six "locator cards" that will gain you entrance to the finals of Kaiba's Duel Monsters championship.

I believe that this biggest draw of this game is the fact that it forces strategy. Although buying or winning powerful cards isn't very difficult, higher value cards require a certain level of skill to be put in your deck. As a result, I found myself forced to plan my deck out between every major opponent so I could take advantage of my improved skill as well as the weaknesses of my competition.

I found that The Sacred Cards did everything that a card-based game should. It presented a solid set of competitive mechanics and a growing level of difficulty as the game proceeded, while drawing on strategy both in and out of the actual duels. Although it may not be the most polished card-based video game, I would definitely say that it can stand amongst some of the greats in its genre.
The game is no longer being distributed, but more information can be found here (as of 4/3/18): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_The_Sacred_Cards

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