
Metroid Dread

I don't think 2D Metroid could be in a better place than it is right now. Thanks to the Switch's massive install base and the excellent work done by the team at MercurySteam, Metroid Dread has sold better than any other game in the series, potentially introducing tens of thousands of new players to the series. While there were a few things that kept it behind Metroid Fusion as my favorite entry, the transition to 2.5D started by Samus Returns has been fully realized here, and it's absolutely glorious. I know this kind of game won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I think Metroid Dread is exactly what we needed to make sure that people who might fall in love with the series actually get a chance to do so. Picking up after the events of Metroid Fusion, Samus, still genetically fused with Metroid DNA, and ADAM, now integrated into the ship's computer, receive a distress signal from an unfamiliar planet. Within the distress call was an image of an x-parasite, prompt


I have been thinking about playing the original F-ZERO for a while now, but I keep getting distracted by other games that I have even more interest in playing. I usually prefer to start a series with the first game before any others because it helps me to appreciate the franchise's legacy. However, the surprise announcement of F-ZERO 99 that followed the shuttering of PAC-MAN 99 seemed like too exciting of an opportunity to ignore. While it isn't exactly how I would've planned it, I played the newest game in the F-ZERO series first, just to make sure I experienced it during the height of its popularity. With how much it is inspired by the original, I think I would've appreciated F-ZERO 99 more had I played the SNES classic beforehand, but as it stands, I still had a great time! Following the template of the 99-series games that preceded it, F-ZERO 99 pits you against 98 other players. However, your play area is no longer independent of your opponents where you can only

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

Almost assuredly inspired by the "Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud" meme, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a comedy adventure that I was genuinely surprised by. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started the game, as I was drawn in purely by its name and hadn't actually done any research before diving in. What I got at the start felt like a Flash game from 2012, and I was honestly a bit disappointed. I stuck it out for a while longer though, and found that there was actually a lot more to Turnip Boy's world, and I became surprisingly invested. Now, I just wish there was more game and more answers. The little root veggie won me over. Turnip Boy is a delightful little protagonist with a penchant for tearing up documents. This gets him in trouble at the start of the game when he rips up his property tax bill and gets a visit from Mayor Onion himself. On an unceasing power trip, Mayor Onion essentially makes Turnip Boy into his slave, saying he needs to work off his debt or


Celeste really surprised me. Having played the PICO-8 original first, I thought I knew what I was getting into, but there is so much more to this full-fledged release. Of course, the precision-platforming challenges were carried over, they've just undergone some impressive growth and are no longer the sole focus of the game. I'm not usually a fan of punishing difficulty in games, but Celeste never held back and I ate it up. The whole experience felt incredibly rewarding, both in terms of my personal growth as a player and in regards to Madeline's growth through the surprisingly emotional narrative. Madeline is the player character and the protagonist of Celeste. Seemingly in the hopes of achieving a sense of peace and clarity during a difficult time in her life, she sets her mind on climbing to the top of Mount Celeste. Along the way, she encounters a colorful collection of characters that inadvertently help her understand better the real reason that she's on this jour


While browsing the Google Play Pass library, I noticed SPACEPLAN and was intrigued by how much it reminded me of Universal Paperclips . That game surprised me from start to finish with absolutely everything it did and remains one of my favorites to this day. SPACEPLAN, while reminiscent of Universal Paperclips in its structure and premise, doesn't quite live up to the game I wanted it to be. However, it had some surprising moments of its own and was still definitely fun enough to finish. SPACEPLAN is an idle game, but it separates itself from the pack with its higher degree of interactivity and its story. You're stuck on a ship in space with only the ship's AI to keep you company. While you obviously want to get home, you're not sure how, and you wouldn't have the resources to get there, anyway. What follows are your attempts to solve those problems with the help of the AI, resulting in a weird time-traveling, dimension-hopping, planet-exploring journey. All the whi

There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension

When I first learned about this "game" in a Nintendo Indie World presentation, I was immediately intrigued. I downloaded the original game-jam version to my phone soon after, then proceeded to never play it. When I learned that the full game was available on Google Play Pass, I downloaded that too, and this time I was actually committed. Despite the title, there actually is a game, and it's surprisingly cute! There Is No Game is a tongue-in-cheek point-and-click puzzler with a touch of tragic romance tying it all together, but it takes a second to discern all of those pieces on a first playthrough. From as early as the title screen, the game is trying to stop you from playing. If you manage to make it past that point, you'll be greeted by a somewhat hostile AI who does his very best to keep you from finding any game-related experience within his software. With a little bit of creative puzzle-solving and a lot of determination, you can find ways past his defenses to re

Metroid Fusion

Oh my goodness. I've really enjoyed all of the Metroid games that I've reviewed thus far, but Metroid Fusion? This one is my favorite. I know that can be a pretty controversial position, especially thanks to some of the formula changes that Fusion introduced, but those changes are actually why I love it! As much as I enjoy the magic of discovery, my general preference with video games is for them to actively direct me to such a degree that I would rarely, if ever, need a walkthrough to maintain my pace. Each of the other three Metroid games that I've reviewed didn't quite achieve that, and many people love them for it. I still really enjoy them anyway, but Metroid Fusion did exactly what I wanted and pivoted away from the "explore to progress" mindset to the "explore for extra goodies" approach that I prefer. In terms of mechanics and its general aesthetic, Fusion feels very similar to its direct predecessor, Super Metroid . Samus still moves with th